Friday, October 03, 2008

The end of America as we know it

Well, with a smile and a wink, today Bush signed over to the democrats, control over a huge portion of the American economy. Of course the dems couldn't resist loading the awful bail-out bill down with over 400 pages of earmarks for their shiftless, degenerate voting base.

If Bush just signed the single biggest seizure of private capital in history, thereby nationalizing 70% of the mortgage industry and spending hundreds of billions more on tax cuts for every dreadful, sniveling liberal group in Reid's and Pelosi's pay-off diary, then why is he smiling like a Cheshire cat?

Democrats and republicans will be celebrating together and toasting themselves tonight and laughing it up about how they managed to totally screw the average American yet again. The template always works, scare the crap out of the voters and they'll hand over their freedoms and give you unlimited power over them in exchange for the promise of security.

I swear, this country resembles more a Euro-style, socialist state, slouching in decline, than the shining beacon of freedom, independence, rugged individualism, and hope it was 50 years ago.

I need a drink!

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