Saturday, October 04, 2008

California.....tumbles into the sea

This is exactly what I predicted back when Henry Paulson(Chicken Little) started wailing that the sky would fall if the American taxpayer didn't cough up $700billion-plus-earmarks, for him to dole out to his buddies on WallStreet.....

SACRAMENTO -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, alarmed by the ongoing national financial crisis, warned Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson on Thursday that the state might need an emergency loan of as much as $7 billion from the federal government within weeks.

The warning comes as California is close to running out of cash to fund day-to-day government operations and is unable to access routine short-term loans that it typically relies on to remain solvent.

It's nobody's problem but those who stupidly choose to live in California if that state goes bankrupt. I could not care less. I'm sick and tired of the responsible taxpayers of America being put on the financial hook for every disaster, natural or manmade, that befalls somebody. If you can't afford for your house to be destroyed every other year by hurricanes, then get the hell out of Florida. If the voters in California don't like that their state is being run into the ground by elected officials and liberalism, then kick the bums out of office and vote somebody more responsible in. Likewise, if the stockholders of these failing Wall Street banks, brokerage houses, mortgage institutions, etc don't like it that their CEO's are raking in tens of billions in salaries and bonuses while they drive the company into insolvency and ruin, then kick them out and vote somebody else in as CEO. They have nobody to blame but themselves.....oh, and Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and Barack Obama, who all accepted small fortunes in cash to protect these companies from any congressional oversight or regulation.

Where in the US Constitution does it say that I can be taxed to bail out California? I don't give crap what happens to California. We'd be better of without it if you ask me.

Would anybody really miss California if it went bankrupt?

A virtual cookie to the first reader who can ID the reference in the title of this post.


  1. My Dad used to listen to a Steely Dan song that had some lyrics about California tumbling into the see....that cant be what you it?

  2. And we have a winner! Yes, your memory of your dad's excellent choice in music finally pays off. That's a line from My Old School by Steely Dan.

    Alec gets a virtual cookie. Well done.

  3. Ouch!

    I'm not sure where you live that the economic crisis is not affecting you at a personal level. However, if we have not yet learned from this situation that we are all connected, at the very least, on the level of money, then we are indeed, heading for greater trouble.

    This economic spiral that we are in is not selective in who it affects. Financial markets, governments, banks, families, and individuals alike, with or without will, are affected. Our only hope for correcting our situation is to unite with a common goal to solve it. Everything in life operates on this principle...even machines.

    For more insight, check out what Michael Laitman sayson his website.
