Thursday, October 02, 2008

Celebrities and their kids

Why is it that our society is so enamored with celebrities' dumb kids and their bizarre, idotic parenting styles, when if normal people treated their kids like celebrities treat theirs, we'd have our parenting rights revoked and our kids in foster care? Exhibit A: Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone’s suggestion that her 8-year-old son get Botox injections to rid him of smelly feet is just one of her many parenting over-reactions detailed in court papers released the other day.

There is a disorder, hyperhydrosis(excessive sweating), for which botox treatment is used, however, Sharon has a long and distinguished record of dramatic over-reactions to her kid's minor symptoms. Perhaps a bath and some foot powder should be the first fix attempt, not needles in the bottom of the feet. She also rushed him to the emergency room for spine tests when he complained of mild lower back pain...turns out he was constipated. You see, these celebrities pawn off the lion's share of parenting on some underling nanny and they have no idea what's going on with their own kids.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid her relative high point was the overrated leg crossing scene in that movie. See I can't even remember the name.
