Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Britain teeters on the edge of utter irrelevance

Not satisfied with Draconian recycling rules, bans on backyard grilling, and issuing to citizens, carbon credit cards, environmental busy-bodies in the once, but no longer, Great Britain, are actually considering WWII-style food rationing as a way to combat the farcical myth known as global warming. Apparently folks in Great Britain didn't get the memo that climate change is a natural, normal, and healthy Earth phenomenon.

People will have to be rationed to four modest portions of meat and one litre of milk a week if the world is to avoid run-away climate change, a major new report warns.

The report, by the Food Climate Research Network, based at the University of Surrey, also says total food consumption should be reduced, especially "low nutritional value" treats such as alcohol, sweets and chocolates.

By run-away climate change of course they mean global warming, a complete and utter fantasy conjured up in the fever swamps of liberalism and the intended result of which is not reduction of utterly harmless CO2, but dictatorial control of all human activities by the imperial State. One would think that at some point the Brits would stop their hysterical do-gooding long enough to see that everybody else is laughing at them the way everybody laughs at the fat kid who farts in class.....but then, one would be wrong.


  1. So eating sweets and chocolate and drinking alcohol causes global warming? Did anyone catch that little tidbit? This isn't a cause for global warming so much as its a cause for healthy brits. This hoax is getting way to out of control.

    Note to the people in charge here in America:
    If you want everyone in your entire country to either leave for be dead in 50 years, do what Great Britain is doing... otherwise leave the American people alone. Combat global warming somewhere where it is actually hot, like the Sahara Desert.

  2. Even if there was gloabal warming, shouldn't we eat the cows more to get rid of them? Having a limit on how many we eat just puts more cows on the planet. The way I see it we do Al Gore a favor by eating cows. O no wait that would be getting rid of global warming, he wants to keep it around so he can recieve donations from the gullible to put in his pocket.

  3. Michael, you are so uneducated. You aren't donating, you are offsetting your carbon footprint! On a serious note though, you are absolutely correct sir.
