Friday, September 26, 2008

Where have you gone, Ronald Reagan?

Who's being looked after with this absurd bailout bill? Well, let's see. For starters, lazy, worthless slobs who took out mortgages they knew they couldn't afford to repay. Also, rich, fat-cat bankers who aren't paying any price AT ALL for being incompetent at lending, democrat congressmen who legislatively prevented Bush, McCain, Greenspan, and other republicans from reeling in the out-of-control mortgage market, U.S. auto companies who are now little more than labor-union benefits providers, former students who've elected not to get jobs so they can pay back their loans, credit-card companies who've issued credit to bums, derelicts, and degenerates who clearly don't have the self discipline to use them wisely, government regulators who allowed Fannie and Freddie to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to congressional banking-committee democrats like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, who set lending policy for those institutions, yet never questioned that oturageously criminal conflict of interest.

My question is, who is looking out for me? Who's looking out for the families who save money, who don't spend irrationally, who don't live above their means, who stay employed in crap jobs in order to privide for their families' healthcare and kids' educations and futures, who wear last year's clothes and rejoice at not having car payments, who've gotten educated, never took drugs or committed crimes, who got married and had kids that they calculated could be that order, who pay whatever absurdly unfair taxes the government demands from them, and who don't ask other Americans for bail-outs? Who is looking out for them? Is it Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Barney Frank? George Bush? Barack Obama? the MSM? My banker? No, it's none of them. They are looking out for their own asses and sometimes each others' asses if they've gotten a campaign donation that's large enough to earn it. No, if you are a diligent, nose-to-the-grindstone, disciplined, law-abiding American, nobody is looking out for you. You are on your own. And that would be fine, if our government weren't about to bend us over and loot close to a trillion dollars from us, in order to hand it over to the list of degenerates and criminals in the paragraph above.

Notice the tag I chose for most of the recent posts on the financial crisis...."culture of curruption". We're being royally screwed by our own government. We're being punished for keeping our noses clean and staying out of trouble. Tell me, where's the incentive to live a disciplined, thoughtfully considered life using wise decision making and self-control when not doing those things bears no punishment or negative consequences of any kind? Where's the incentive?

1 comment:

  1. You've said it, exactly. I found this out when my dad had to go into a nursing home and my elderly parents, who worked hard all their lives, saved a little money, and lived a frugal life, had to spend their entire savings to pay for his care before he could qualify for Medicaid. If he had been a drug user, living under a highway overpass, Medicaid would have ponied up without blinking. Where is the incentive indeed.
