Friday, September 26, 2008


So by now you've heard of PETA's ridiculous demand that morons Ben and Jerry use actual human breast milk instead of cow's milk for their overpriced ice-cream. According to PETA, milking cows is harmful and degrading for the cows somehow. But the objectification of women by harvesting thier breast-milk is OK? I swear, calling PETA a bunch of idiots is an insult to idiots.

So, with that in mind, I thought we'd help them out by naming some possible new flavors.

-Udderly Delicious Vanilla
-Casamba Cream Surprise
-Caramel From The Cans
-Cha-Cha Cherry
-Chilled Chesticles Cherry
-Knockers Neopolitan

That's all I've got. See what you can come up with in the comments thread.


  1. Heavenly Hooterish (add any flavor)
    Jerry's Juggy Filled...
    Ben's "Bada-Bing" Black Walnut
    Chesty's Cookie N Cream
    Pam Anderson Pralines N Cream

    I wonder when they will start on KFC. At least there they already have a point. The Hillary Snack: 2 large thighs and 2 small breasts for only $4.99 plus an 80% tax.

    I know sick but oh so true
