Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WHY ??

Why does being the wife of a presidential candidate give one any authority to speak at a political convention? As I watched Michelle Obama last night I couldn't get this thought out of my head. She has nothing to offer other than her obvious hatred of the America we now reside in. She has a chip on her shoulder that may never be removed. Where is her political savy, what is her platform, why is she talking to me and millions of registered voters? She has no credible reason to take the stage and to regale us with her intelligence (or lack there of? ). I just don't understand. I think back to past conventions and don't remember speeches from Pat Nixon, Rosalyn Carter, or Walter Mondales wife, not to mention Geraldine Ferraro's husband. I can understand the Bill Clinton can and will speak. He is a former president- enough said. But the rest - stop it. I can't wait for Nancy Pelosi!!


  1. Where did the drastic turnaround come from. Months ago America was a place where one couldn't get ahead, and most people were barely getting by (an obvious poke at the GOP ticket and the supposed wealthy backings it has), and then we have her veiled threat-reference to working hard to reach the bar, only to have it raised by the time you get there. This analogy appears to be a black-white self created issue. If I remember, she and her husband have a higher income than I do, so therefore they are closer to the bar than I am. Stop your whining and stop the double talk Michelle. I am tired of your acerbic nature and ready for your to move back out of the lime light. Good riddance, I find you hard to stomach, especially when you talk, because it is all lies.

  2. Yes, the racial chip on her shoulder could better be described as lumber. Their whole camaign is based on nothing but generalized rhetoric and celebrity hype. It almost makes me long for the good old Clinton years. As inflated as the Obama campaign is, McCain only needs to find the right needle with which to pop it. The only problem is the MSM controls that particular hay-stack.

  3. I still find it ridiculous that Obama says Michelle is NOT fair play in the candidacy when she clearly shows an interest in helping out in his campaign. McCain's wife has barely made a headline in the news, except for the occasional attack by the Dem campaign, and therefore should not be fair play to attacks. Michelle spoke at the convention for Christ's sake, ransack and attack her til she crawls back to her home crying.
