Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We fully expect liberals to punish ambition, achievement, and success while rewarding timidity, laziness, and failure. That's what they do. But how do you punish, with a clean conscious, a child for being too good at a sport?

A Connecticut youth baseball team with a phenomenal 9-year-old pitcher has been disqualified because its team is too good.

The team, Will Power Fitness, has an 8-0 record thanks in large part to pitcher Jericho Scott, the New Haven Register reports. His pitching is so fast and accurate, the Liga Juvenil De Baseball De New Haven asked the team's coach, Wilfred Vidro, to replace him so he wouldn't frighten other players.

“The spirit of the league was community, family, well-being, nurturing," Peter Noble, the league's attorney, told the Register. "It’s an extended family and it’s been disrupted.”

That's right, get rid of accomplishment and performance lest the crummy kids feel inadequate and experience low self-esteem. Just like in the class room where we've banned honors for academic achievement so the dumb kids don't feel so dumb.

In my son's baseball league, we had a kid who at nine, could throw at least as fast as this kid, and nobody wanted to ban him from playing. All the other players just dedicated themselves to becoming better hitters and the whole league improved. But personal accomplishment and improvement aren't what political correctness and liberalism are about. Liberalism is about squashing the achievers and forcing conformation to the lowest common denominator. Nobody will be allowed to be better than the worst of us.

Everybody equal in worthlessness and mediocrity. That's liberals' vision of America. That's democrats' vision of America. And that's Barack Hussein Obama's vision of America.

1 comment:

  1. Extraordinary kids who can throw the ball 70 miles an hour at the age of 10 draw crowds, and inspire better play by the kids around him. If you are scared that your child will get hurt or will be intimidated by him, then don't sign your kid up for baseball. Don't punish someone else's kid.
