Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shame on China!

This is just awful...

BEIJING - A 7-year-old Chinese girl was not good-looking enough for the Olympics opening ceremony, so another little girl with a pixie smile lip-synched "Ode to the Motherland," an official said.

In the latest example of the lengths Beijing took for a perfect start to the Summer Games, a member of China's Politburo asked for the last-minute change to match one girl's face with another's voice, the ceremony's chief music director said in an interview with Beijing Radio.

"The audience will understand that it's in the national interest," Chen Qigang said in a video of the interview posted online Sunday night.

The national interest? It's in the national interest of a country of 1.3Billion people that a 7 year old girl be told she's not cute enough to represent her country? I was shocked they had any girls left unaborted to use as performers.


  1. About as stupid as George W. dressed in a pilot suit, serving the troops a plastic turkey.

  2. Or as stupid as the Breck Girl paying 15K per month to a tramp with whom he claims he did not father a child. What's he paying for?
    Or as stupid as the Obamessiah claiming that he doesn't subscribe to Black Liberation Theology.
    Or as stupid as Hillary claiming she didn't know where the Rose Law firm's billing documents were.
    Or as stupid as democrats who believe in global warming when we know the Earth has been cooling for a decade.
    Or as stupid as a vote for an untested, vapid, empty suit dressed up as a statesman.

    Yeah, that stupid.

  3. Yeah I agree, Obama dressed in a pilot suit serving plastic turkey to troops would look much sillier. Of course, Obama won't celebrate national holidays; he is a candidate for "Changing America" whatever the hell that means.
