Monday, August 11, 2008

Flying blows!

Every time I fly, I'm reminded of why I never fly. These ridiculous security check points are totally out of control! You practically have to strip to make it through. Shoes, belts, watches, keys, everything. All because one incompetent terrorist tried to light his shoe on fire like 5 years ago....give me a break!

We were processing through Albuquerque yesterday so I was stripping for the security ordeal. Albuquerque's in the desert so I used foot powder in my shoes.....bad idea. When I removed my shoes some "white powder" from my socks got on the rug. I thought the stupid lady behind me was going to come unglued(evidently she thought I was carrying anthrax in my shoes). I made eye contact with her and gave her my best you-stupid-moron look while I tried to convince her not to scream bloody murder.

Meanwhile the vigilant TSA folks had spied a suspicious, wheelchair-bound, 80 year old lady and were forcing her to stand in the plexiglass room where everybody in the airport could watch while they humiliated her with various searches. At the same time, a swarthy, middle-eastern male, age 19-26 waltzed through security suffering barely a glance from the distracted TSA authorities. If somebody can explain the logic behind this, I'd love to hear it....and don't give me any racial-profiling BS.

And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear American has shoved their seats a little closer together than the last time I flew. To describe our full flight home as a can of sardines would be gross understatement. The jerks in front kept their seats fully reclined against our knees the entire flight while the jerks behind us kept opening and closing their seat trays for what ever reasons, only God knows.

Finally, are there really enough people allergic to peanuts that they now have to serve miniscule packages of exactly 4 crappy pretzels, on the off-chance that one of the allergic people might be on the plane? I mean seriously, if you're that delicate, TAKE THE FRICKIN' BUS! Airplane peanuts were the last little pleasure of domestic air travel. Now there's nothing to look forward to, unless you count the delicious terminal cuisine. I mean where else can you find a $9 tuna salad half sandwich?

Flying.....I hate it!


  1. Supply and demand and demand Thats for the tuna (which it probably wasn't).

    TSA is doing a vitale job saving the simpleminded American as they wander aimlessly around our country launguishing about how expensive gas is while shelling out thousands of dollars to be jetted around. It is known fact that terrorists are mostly 90 year old wheel chair ridden grannies. As for your attempt to smuggle a copious quantity of talcolm powder thru the security checkpoint, well I know that I will sleep better tonight knowing that I am protected from the likes of you and grandma moses. I feel secure knowing that the robust Iraqi 26 yr old male strode thru, without even a thought.

    See, TSA now has all of you in a bad position. You and Granny will not fly again (they eliminated you from any issue to them), and Achmed will get over confident and slip up next time as he smuggles his white powdered substance in his shoes (a trick he learned from you Ed).

    You see all is right with the world. Now if we can just bring back in air food service. Where is the company that Eddie Rickenbacker founded today? Its a chnging world and the downward spiral is accelerating. When given your chance to get off the stupidmerry-go-round, next time take it. Leave the grid and never resurface.

  2. Off-grid sounds like an attractive existence right about now. If I only knew how to do it. There have to be anarchist manuals out there on how to seriously disappear from the "grid". Maybe I'll wait until my kids graduate from college, then drop off the face of the Earth, and let the drones and sheeple have it.

  3. Ed,
    As a frequent flyer I have too much to say here. Maybe a few "traveling posts" are in order.
