Friday, July 18, 2008

Wind energy....don't buy it

I'm sure you've all seen those reasonable looking ads featuring Texas oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens touting wind mill energy. You should know that he is heavily invested in this technology all across north Texas and Oklahoma. If the government were to mandate some sort of idiotic conversion to wind farm technology, Mr. Pickens stands to make billions selling electricity to Americans the same way he made billions selling oil. You can tell he's fleecing you because he parrots the democrats' line about "we can't drill out of this crisis". His plan is for the villiage moron Al Gore to become the "Energy Czar" in an Obama administration.

I have no problem at all with him making billions selling electricity but, it has to be because Americans demanded it in the market place, not because President Obama mandated the conversion to wind energy, the way Bush idiotically and disastrously mandated corn-ethanol usage. With gas prices high, Americans are already conserving energy without the government telling them to. That's how the market works, for those of you who were learning to put condoms on cucumbers in government schools instead of studying economics.

Finally, we can indeed drill our way out of this gas crisis. Bush lifted the executive ban on off-shore drilling this week(a purely symbolic gesture since Congress controls that), and the international price of oil futures plumeted about 12dollars a barrel. If wind technology can compete in the energy market, fine, but the government has no business mandating it. The Obamessiah would mandate it.


  1. Ed,
    You really have a hard-on for cucumbers and condoms. You may consider trying it, once, you may like it!

  2. the condoms on cucumbers example, while an actual teaching lesson in some public school sex-ed classes, is also my favorite point of illustrative mockery of the fecklessness of government indoctrination centers. There are certainly other examples of government school stupidity but, none are as entertaining to imagine as this one. You can bet that I"ll almost always include it in posts about the utter failure of our government schools to teach, and indoctrinate children into liberal dogma instead. And nothing illustrates liberal dogma in education like teaching 4th graders how to put condoms on cucumbers.
