Saturday, July 19, 2008

Suing, The American Dream

Posted by Kevin

Here is yet another example of a company being sued for something it isn't legally responsible for. However, this time, instead of money, the company is being sued for a drug that is both untested and unapproved.  

"A Minnesota family is trying to force a New Jersey drug company to give their son an experimental drug for a fatal form of muscular dystrophy, saying he'll die without it."

Seriously? According to the family, the company, PTC Therapeutics, out of New Jersey, promised the family access to the drug known as PTC124. This drug won't be FDA approved until 2011. The family is actually suing the company for access to the drug? There is no guarantee it will work. Yes it is unfortunate that the boy will probably die before he reached his 20's.  Unfortunately for him and his family, the drug is just not ready for human testing, and probably won't be for awhile.  The company may or may not have promised the family access to the drug, but if the company is not confident the drug will work, how, morally, could they give the drug to the child?  What will happen if the drug doesn't work?  Who will be responsible?  The pharmaceutical company.  There is a process for drug development, and unfortunately, sometimes people die waiting.  

Here is a link to the full article.


  1. sueing is not the american dream. but healthy kids is a big part of every parent's dream. can you say you would not do the same thing in their shoes if you thought there was even the slimmest of chances you could save your child's life? you have equated the woman who made millions by spilling coffee on herself with two parents trying to save a life. is it possible you can be that blind or is it that you are just in a critical mood today? whatever the case, it is obvious you do not have children, or you would never write such nonsense. you are so determined to criticize somebody for a law suit, any law suit, that you have totally lost sight of the bigger picture. how can you be so obtuse as to not see that this story is not about a frivolous or unrighteous law suit, but about desperate parents trying every means available to them to save thier child's life. i agree that they should lose the suit, but you cannot blame them for trying.

    kevin, do not be critical just because it makes you feel superior. you would do exactly the same thing.

  2. I don't see the point in wasting the court's time and effort on a case such as this. Their case has no merit. The problem with our courts is there is too much sympathy for the victim. Based solely on facts, this case is a waste of time. It is unfortunate for the young boy and his family, but the process for drug development is what it is for a reason.
