Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whoopi holds Civics class

The vapid harpies over at The View last week were treated to a civics lesson on voting rights from respected U.S. historian Whoopi Goldberg.....

"Do you know that we[blacks] are the only people in the United States who have to have their voting rights okayed every couple of years? Did you know that they have to vote on the Voting Rights Bill for black folks? Can we just, can one of you candidates- can we just take care of that so I don’t have to worry every year, my God am I not?"

Even more disappointing than Whoopi's  utter stupidity about the U.S. Constitution was this...

The show’s sole "conservative" Elisabeth Hasselbeck agreed "it’s ridiculous" and "something needs to be done."

Surely Mrs. Hasselbeck is familiar with the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, and that amendments don't have to be voted on....ever. Now, all the soccer moms who sit at home in their robes, swilling Scotch, smoking cigarettes, and watching The View actually believe, because a celebrity said it, that blacks are at constant risk of losing their voting rights.

See, people who were learning to put condoms on cucumbers and having their self-esteem stroked in government schools instead of learning about U.S. government and civics, will believe any stupid thing a celebrity says. And that's exactly how liberals want Americans to be. A dumb electorate, distracted like children by celebrity worship and reality TV, will not even notice politicians screwing us nine different ways from Sunday. The mind-numbing decadence of the bourgeoisie will be the downfall of this country if we don't wake up.


  1. My question is this: Assume the Whoppster was correct and that "black" voting rights did have to get okayed. How many years ago would they have been revoked permanently? How about the same for women? Utter and sheer stupidity?

  2. I swear Whoopi and Rosie are two of the biggest morons on the planet. You have Whoopi making some crap up about voting on the Amendments, well not just the Amendments, particularly the one that deals with Black's voting, because as America, we just can't stand black people, (what Whoopi thinks, not me), and then you have Rosie O'Donnel claiming that for the first time in HISTORY fire melted steel on September 11. Apparently Whoopi didn't pay attention in Government class, and Rosie didn't listen in Chemistry class. This is just another reason why not to watch the View.

  3. The problem with The View and it's insipid hosts, is that women watch and believe the silliness that comes from it, and then go out and vote based on the same inanity.

  4. If said on TV it is true!!!

  5. Ed,
    Please don't use the works 'condom' and 'stroke' in the same sentence.

  6. Products of conception AND products of a government education. A regular bifecta!
