Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Doctors drink the global-warming kool-aid

There is absolutely no phenomenon on Earth that deranged climate-change alarmists won't blame on global warming. The biggest hoax in human history has been blamed for everything from acne to itchier poison ivy. From a saltier Atlantic Ocean to a less salty Atlantic Ocean. From inflation in China to a downturn in the Scandinavian brothel business.

Not content to make us worry about the polar bears and speckled newt habitats, climate-change alarmists want us to fear for our own health too....

ScienceDaily (May 15, 2008) — Rising global temperatures could lead to an increase in kidney stones, according to research presented at the 103rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA).

Doctors said they think global warming will expand an area known as "the kidney-stone belt," the southeastern and warmer part of the U.S., known for higher cases of the disease.
Researchers said dehydration is one of the risk factors for stones and said the risk for developing them goes up in a warmer climate.

How stupid!!! Announcing that doctors believe global warming is a factor in kidney stone formation is like announcing that doctors believe that moon phase is a factor in syphilis contraction.

Just like there's an easy way to protect yourself from syphilis.....not having unprotected sex with Lindsay Lohan, there's an easy way to protect yourself from a dehydration-associated kidney stone.....drink a glass of water once in a while!

A glass of prevention.....no matter how hot it gets.


  1. Global Warming for some people will swarm some areas of the brain, its been proven. The people who believe in this crap, yeah just look at their egos.

  2. I'm sure global warming is the beginning of the end of the world. Normally we don't want to accept our breed has to disappear, but this is gonna happen, and just for our fault.
