Monday, July 07, 2008

Starving kids in China would kill for that haggis

Rather than resist it's hostile colonization by Islamic radicals, Great Britain is bravely resisting food consumption instead(probably because food won't blow up your house, riot in the streets, or cut off your head in retaliation)....

The Government is to launch a campaign to stamp out Britain's waste food mountains as part of a global effort to curb spiralling food prices.

Supermarkets will be urged to drop "three for two" deals on food that encourage shoppers into bulk-buying more than they need, often leading to the surpluses being thrown away. The scandal of the vast mountains of food that are thrown away in Britain while other parts of the world starve is revealed in a Cabinet Office report today. It calls for a reduction in food waste: up to 40 per cent of groceries can be lost before they are consumed due to poor processing, storage and transport.

Soviet-style food rationing is every beady-eyed liberal's wet dream. While militant Islamists terrorize entire UK neighborhoods, convert schools into Muslim indoctrination centers, and intimidate the British citizenry into denying their own rich culture and history in order to embrace the depraved, third-world Muslim culture, the fearless government fights food waste. This is what happens to great empires when political correctness is allowed to take far behind Great Britain is America?


  1. Again politically expedient and relatively easy to do. After all they have to confront no one directly while "solving" this problem. I think the free world has checked their small, somewhat round, dangling glands at the global door to manhood. Please revoke their man-cave passes, they don't deserve them.

  2. The UN's non-judgemental mentality of no country is better than any other is a disaster in the waiting. for countries who're good. I'm sorry but, we ARE better than most countries. Drawing a moral equivalence between the American culture of freedom and the savage, third-world culture of Islamic countries is outrageous!

    Categorically, we are better than them! Embracing their cultures because of fear or political correctness does nothing but drag us down while elevating their barbaric, despotism. How is that good for the US, UK, or any other modern, freedom-loving nation?

  3. This is the dumbest thing in the world. The consumer buys it, they can do whatever they want to with it.
