Monday, July 07, 2008

Homegrown tomatoes!

As you know, I over-dined this weekend on BBQ ribs(pork), baked beans, Texas toast, potato casserole, watermelon, and all the other traditional July 4th foods. And it got me thinking about my seasonal food favorites. My Fall fav is pumpkin pie, Winter is hot Texas chili. I can't think of anything for Spring, but my Summer favorite is without a doubt, BLT's made with homegrown tomatoes, slathered in mayonnaise and heavily dusted with fresh cracked pepper....on white bread, with a tall cold glass of sweet mint tea with which to wash it down. Man, that's good!

If you have a favorite food that you associate with Summer or any season, leave it in the comment thread. And for your listening enjoyment, Homegrown Tomatoes written I believe by Guy Clarke or John Denver, but this performance is John Denver.....