Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Short History Lesson

Posted by Kevin

Obama is up to his usual nonsensical antics again.  He has managed to once again show his apparent lack of history knowledge and lack of political experience.

"After receiving a hailstorm of criticism for considering Brandenburg Gate for a public speech, as well as official German dissuasion, Barack Obama moved the venue to the Siegessäule monument."

History lesson for the reader.  The Siegessäule monument is a large column chosen by none other than Hitler himself as a symbol of Hitler's militaristic domination over Austria, Belgium, and France.  Obama is set to give a speech on peace at this site.  What's worse is that this is a campaign speech.  Why is Obama giving a campaign speech overseas?  To germans?  At a monument symbolizing everything but peace?  

Hat tip to HotAir.


  1. He's an international candidate. He's the President who can get the rest of the world to start liking us again. I know that you neo-cons don't care about being liked by Europeans but, we need their support in any number of foreign policy ways. Kennedy gave pre-election speeches overseas, why not Obama?

  2. Ok, then why give the speech in front of a symbol of war, oppression, and overall evil? And the rest of the world will not be electing him, Americans will.

  3. I think he should give his speech in front of a McDonald's restaurant. Surely there is one in Germany.
