Monday, July 21, 2008

"Biggie-size that Triple with cheese"

NPR famously favors open borders so they take every opportunity to tug at your heart strings by running stories of Hispanic families having a hard time. The current tale of the down-trodden Hispanics is a sad-sobbing story about the Nunez family in Toledo and their hardships, not due to any poor decisions they've made or because of their general shiftlessness but, because of the economy....

Nunez's van broke down last fall. Now, her 19-year-old daughter has no reliable transportation out of their subsidized housing complex in Fostoria, 40 miles south of Toledo, to look for a job.

Nunez and most of her siblings and their spouses are unemployed and rely on government assistance and food stamps. Some have part-time jobs, but working is made more difficult with no car or public transportation.

Nunez, 40, has never worked and has no high school degree. She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job. Instead, she and her daughter, Angelica Hernandez, survive on a $637 Social Security check and $102 in food stamps.

This sounds to me like your typical family of government-encouraged moochers and sponges. Subsidized housing and food stamps, are you kidding me? They grew up with what sounds like good examples of parents but have utterly failed to do the simple things in life that are necessary to succeed. How about moving to where the jobs are? How about losing like 200lbs each so your health isn't a hinderance to employment? How about stop sponging off taxpayers because you are unwilling to take care of yourself? If they each got two minimum-wage jobs, they'd be raking in 30-40K a year, minimum.

How could a car accident have left her incapable of getting a job when she's standing upright to have her picture taken for this article? Wal-Mart is looking for greeters with exactly that skills set[standing]. But Wal-Mart is not looking for lazy, uneducated, unmotivated, degenerate, I guess professional greeting is out.

I would remind you to click this picture to "enlarge" but, that would be redundant. How do two people get that morbidly obese on $102 in food stamps?


  1. Black market for food stamps is at an all time high. Stamps valued at a dollar are being sold on the black market for a real dollar that one can uy cocaine with. The enterprising Food stamper then turns this into crack and quadruples their investment. They also inflict addiction to other food stampers who then trade labor, sex, etc., for additional hits of this deadly substance; thereby exasscerbating a bad and getting worse situation. Wh needs to work when the US government is funding your drug trafficing business forty miles from nowher.

    The real question that must be asked, is why did the government put a susidized housing project so far away from anything?

  2. She is 40. She had a car accident 17 years ago. That means she was 23. Why didnt she finish high school? That is the easiest step to actually trying in life.
