Monday, July 21, 2008

Run infidels, run and hide!

WOW! The Iranian Special Forces are far better trained that I would have guessed. We infidels should cower in terror of the wrath of the Army of the all powerful and benevolent prophet Mohammed.....

Seriously? And we are to believe that Iran has one of the most powerful, well-equipped, highly trained, largest, standing armies in all the world? Remember, we were told the same thing about Iraq's Republican Guard in '91, and they folded like origami. I know a couple of Brownie troops who're tougher than Saddam's Republican Guard.

Look, I'm not in favor of invading Iran. I think that would be a disaster of epic proportions, though not militarily, just a PR disaster. The only valid reason to me for attacking Iran is if they attack Israel and Israel cannot repel them alone. That said, if our attack on Iran started at breakfast tomorrow, based on what I've seen in this clip, I'll be able to watch the highlights of our victory on FOXNews with dinner the same night, and still not miss the expanded coverage of the Tour de France at 10:00.

I think it's safe to direct our attention elsewhere, comforted in the knowledge that if and when Iran decides to act up, which they won't, but if they did, we would have no trouble at all dealing decisively with them in short order.

A Dodge Ram pick-up....jeeeeez!

1 comment:

  1. "You, Abdul, you beddy bad driver, beddy bad driver!

    You go to America, land of infidel, drive cab"
