Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Barack Obama....like Miss Illinois

Barack Obama is a very eloquent speaker, that is when he has a script to follow. But when you get him in an impromptu interview situation the outcome tends to be a little less stellar. The Obamessiah was asked a question by a reporter about the surge in Iraq. Here's how it went down...

Reporter: "If you had to do it over again, knowing what you know now, would you support the surge:"

Obama: "No, because keep in mind that question, you wouldn't ... but keep in mind that kind of hypothetical is very difficult to know hindsight is 20-20 ... later ... but I think that what I'm absolutely convinced of is that at that time we had to change the political debate because the view of the Bush administration at that time was one that I just disagreed with."

Uuuhh, what? Miss South Carolina couldn't give a less coherent answer to that question. Seriously, this is the man with whom half of America is obsessed? He is a vapid boob and an arrogant narcissist. He makes Bill Clinton look like Ghandi. 95% of the media, 98% of blacks, most soccer moms and deranged liberal men are going to vote for this guy for no other reasons than he's mulatto and his name reminds them of their two favorite enemies of George Bush.....Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

If you are an Obama supporter and intend to vote for him in November, I would love to hear why in the comments thread.


  1. English 101, Obama was apparently too busy getting drunk or high or making protests in college to attend this class. What the heck does any of what he just said even mean?

  2. It means two things: he doesn't have a fundamental, nuanced grasp of what's going on over there and, he doesn't want to say anything stupid to alienate voters. That's usually the case when a politician gives an obfuscatory answer to a simple question.

  3. But what he said doesn't even qualify as an answer. I'm not completely sure it qualifies as a sentence.
