Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pollution is our friend

Wonder how the Goreacle explains this......

GOODBYE air pollution and smoky chimneys, hello brighter days. That's been the trend in Europe for the past three decades - but unfortunately cleaning up the skies has allowed more of the sun's rays to pierce the atmosphere, contributing to at least half the warming that has occurred.

Since 1980, average air temperatures in Europe have risen 1 °C: much more than expected from greenhouse-gas warming alone.

So solar activity isn't the only phenomenon that causes temperatures on Earth to rise slightly...clean air also plays a role. Well, this pretty much validates what we've been saying for years....CO2 is NOT a pollutant! It does not cause anything to warm up!

All you coastal dwellers had better fire up those coal-burning stoves and get some more soot in the air or global warming will melt the ice-caps and flood your houses. I love it.....air pollution turns out to be good for the environment.

Yaaaaay, pollution!


  1. HAHAHAHA! I have been waiting for this to happen. I have been waiting for so long for people's efforts to stop "global warming" actually cause it. I love it.

  2. Another discovery today on how going green is doing more harm than good. Tiny halogen lightbulbs, the ones that helix, contain mercury. They are toxic if you break them.
