Thursday, July 10, 2008

70's style feminism comes to Atlanta

I guess since political correctness has feminized pretty much all of society, the only segment left is road work crews....

In the battle of the sexes, women's magazine editor Cynthia Good said this was a skirmish she had to fight.

Across Atlanta they stood, orange signs with black letters that read "Men At Work" or "Men Working Ahead."

Sometimes, the signs stood next to women working alongside the men.

Good demanded Atlanta officials remove the signs and last week, Atlanta Public Works Commissioner Joe Basista agreed.

Public Works officials are replacing 50 "Men Working" with signs that say "Workers Ahead." It will cost $22 to cover over some of the old signs and $144 to buy new signs, said Public Works spokeswoman Valerie Bell-Smith said.

"We're calling on the rest of the nation to follow suit and make a statement that we will not accept these subtle forms of discrimination," said Good, 48.

Good pressed the issue after Atlanta police came to her office last month on a complaint that she spray painted "wo" onto a "Men At Work" sign.

When liberals don't get their way, rather then using the usual legal routes for redress, they instinctively resort to vandalism. Why isn't this busy-body in jail?

This is the sniveling, feminist harpy Cynthia Good. She has nothing better to do than complain about signage. Can you imagine being the husband of this shrew of a fishwife?

Seriously, signs like this aren't intended to be gender specific and unless you go out of your way to look for it, you don't get offended by them. Anyway, has anybody witnessed women actually working on a work crew? Aren't they always the ones flagging traffic? For that matter, has anybody witnessed any men actually working on a work crew?


  1. Not unattractive to look at but she could be a poster child for considering "inner beauty" which is apparently her shortfall. Inside she is a vengeful, wicked, shrew which may very well be the most powerful foe we yet face.

    I think she used to be local newscaster - talking head - in the Metro Atlanta area.

    Someone please give her something to do or at least promote her to obscurity.

  2. As feminists go, she is easy on the eyes but, it doesn't come close to making up for the gender-discrimination hair trigger.

  3. Who cares what the sign says? Did Good bother to ask the female workers if the signs offended them before she went and vandalized their work property? I am going to guess no.
