Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not soon enough

Here's some rather good news about the main-stream media, for a change. It seems the propaganda arm of the democrat party, the New York Times, posted an 82% drop in profits from this time last year. You'd think the stock-holders of the NYT would be pitching hissy fits and demanding changes but, most of them are probably New York liberals who think that Americans refusing to read their fish-wrapper is evidence of our lack of nuanced sophistication and progressivness. We're just backwards commoners who're not cosmopolitan and worldly enough to appreciate the Times.

Unless they exchange their liberal advocacy for fair and balanced reporting(a fantasy I admit), hopefully they'll go out of business soon. Nothing pleases me more than watching the dinosaur media's dominance of American thinking die a writhing, tortured death at the hands of the free media market.

p.s. the NYT announced that because of it's dwindling reader base, it would need to raise the news-stand price. Yeah....that should bring the readers running back.

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