Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Breck Girl, not gay after all

From van helsing over at Moonbattery, we get to mock the Breck Girl some more.

The National Enquirer has been reporting for months about Silky Pony's illicit, extra-marital affair with a campaign staffer, Rielle Hunter, pictured here, though not a single major media outlet has bothered to even investigate it. Could that be because he's a prominent democrat and still in the running for the VP slot in the Messiah's administration? To even the stupidest of democrat voters, and they are numerous, The Silky Pony's plan to become President was only slightly more popular than a hot-tamale salesman in hell. Still, his cancer-striken wife stood valiantly by his side and campaigned when her health allowed. Out on the campaign trail, meanwhile, Edwards was pursuing Ms. Hunter like an Ethiopian pursues a chicken.

If this was a republican of prominence, you would see gleeful, 24hour coverage of the story from all major news outlets, but with Silky, they remain obediently quiet so as not to draw attention away from their personal savior's, The Obamessiah, magical mystery tour of the middle east.

Meanwhile, John McCain (if you remember, he's also running for President) landed at a campaign stop on Monday, to be greeted by a single reporter and one camera.....I've got a bad feeling about this.


  1. Fox and Friends this morning brought up an interesting point about the Mainstream Media this morning. Even with all of this coverage for Obama, he is still ahead in prelim polls by only 4% which is within the margin for error. Imagine if McCain got even half of what Obama gets as far as press goes. Landslide for McCain.

  2. John didn't have his vamp along side. He is to morally decent to do that. The press is tiring slowly, and now is trying to create newsworthy items instead of reporting them as they surface. I'm glad they are leaving Johnny Mc alone. He will remain above the fray.

  3. Does Pony Boy's "girlfriend" remind anyone of Camilla, Prince Charles's
    former pie on the side?
