Friday, July 25, 2008

Man overboard!

Boy, my wife got on a personal responsibility tirade about this story this morning. Apparently a morbidly obese man and his three equally portly kids exceeded by 200lbs, the weight limit on a water flume amusement park ride, and to nobody's surprise, got injured when their boat sank...

John D. Lenahan, 41, bit his tongue and was knocked unconscious. He was listed in stable condition Thursday night. His son John Lenahan, 15, was also knocked out and treated for a chin laceration.

The two younger children - Ronald, 14, and Julianna, 11 - were transferred to St. Mary's Medical Center and released several hours later. They suffered cuts, bumps and bruises.

Collectively this family of problem eaters tipped the scales at 900lbs. If a chain on a roller-coaster breaks and somebody gets hurt, that's one thing, but when the weight limit of a ride is clearly posted, you have an obligation to know that you and your overfed kids weigh too much. Already their smarmy lawyer was laying the groundwork for an injury suit buy saying the father was having heart trouble after the accident(no kidding! no human heart is designed to lug around the equivalent of three people). He's also throwing out the possibility of bleeding in his brain, no doubt in order to up the damages significantly when he gets in front of 12 sympathetic, gullible cretins.

If the pimply-faced teen working the ride had inquired about this families' weight, the park would have been sued for public humiliation or something. Like my wife said, they post the signs there so you can be responsible for yourself. We've all read the warnings about pregnancy, back conditions, heart conditions, height, and weight, in every que while waiting to get on a ride. Now the parks will have to start weighing the riders the same as airports are weighing flyers.

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