Friday, July 25, 2008

History Repeats Itself

Posted By Kevin
Vladimir Lenin, Russian Communist Leader

Barack Hussein Obama, Presidential Candidate (Also a Communist?)

Feel free to leave comment on your thoughts.  I find it difficult to not see the similarities here myself, not only in the way the poster is setup, but also in the campaign platform these two men shared.  

Hat tip: Moonbattery


  1. Also a communist?

    Very mature, Kevin - very mature.

  2. A socialist? why sure, but I wouldn't go so far as communist.

  3. Who is to say he doesn't like communism? He wants to vastly control how much money companies make, specifically oil companies. He wants to universalize health care, because the people who don't care to help themselves need help providing their families with health care. He wants to tax the wealthy to the point they become the working class providing for the middle and lower classes, very communist. The similarities between Obama and communism are to many to list.

  4. We don't agree too often, Ed - but you've always kept a level of sense, knowledge and reflection here at TRR.

    This is just silly.

  5. Capt, I, Kevin, not Ed posted this one. And I actually found it at another respectable website, Now, why is it silly? Please at least explain that.

  6. Ed, you can tell Kevin I know it was him that posted it.

  7. capt. america, I am going to be AWOL the entire first week of August(2-10) and might be unable to post on TRR. In my absence, I asked regular readers Kevin, Reid, and David to fill my shoes. They are just getting their feet wet in the blogging business. I'll be back on the 11th. All three of them have their own opinions and ideas, none of which should necessarily be confused with MY opinions and ideas, nor the opinions of the TRR staff and advertisers....if we had any.

    I encourage you and your friends to vigorously challenge Kevin, David, and Reid when they post something to which you object, during that time. Until then, I'll be the primary source of op/ed's on TRR.
