Monday, March 03, 2008

Reader Mail

Alert reader Kevin wrote in over the weekend...

---I thought this was rather interesting, and Im interested to see how different people respond to it.---

This sums up the article to which he refers...

Since Jan. 28, the Quadrangle Recreational Athletic Center has been open only to women from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays.

The change was prompted by a request from the Harvard College Women's Center, which was approached by six female Muslim students, said Robert Mitchell, communications director of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

"It was done for religious purposes, but it's not closed to other women who may want to participate," he said.

A logical person might wonder, if these women are such delicate hot-house flowers that they cannot function in normal Western society, why are they in America to begin with? Or...why not find a women's institution at which to matriculate? And...why burden everybody on campus with your nutty religious frailty? This insidious process is called multicultural incrementalism, and it's how radical Muslims are taking over the UK and Europe in general. A little bit of concession here, a little bit of appeasement there by Harvard, and the next thing you know, six Muslims are dictating gym hours, class schedules, dining hall menus, housing arrangements, campus publication topics, approved religious observations, etc.

It's the tyranny of the minority, or as my wife sagely observed last night, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

What do you think? Should an institution inconvenience thousands in order to cater to a few?

1 comment:

  1. Once again the good ole US of A caves in to any foreign-her, in this case. I am not sure that we can win any foreign situation without being able to buy our way through.
