Saturday, March 01, 2008

Dumb...and then dumber

This is vapid, Hollywood dingbat and Academy Award winner Marion Cotillard. Who in the heck is that you ask? I have no idea but she showed that she is every bit as airheaded as she looks just days after winning her dumb Oscar. This is her assessment of 9/11...

"We see other towers of the same kind being hit by planes, are they burned? There was a tower, I believe it was in Spain, which burned for 24 hours.

It never collapsed. None of these towers collapsed. And there [New York], in a few minutes, the whole thing collapsed."

Miss Cotillard suggested that the towers, planned in the early 1960s, were an outdated "money sucker" which would have cost so much to modernise that it was easier to destroy them.

Apparently she was not satisfied with showing the world how dumb she is, then she forged ahead into the realm of mental retardation.....

Turning to America’s space programme, she said: "Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered. And in any case I don’t believe all they tell me, that’s for sure."

People, anybody who gives this ridiculous airhead a nickle by going to her boring movie might be as dumb as she is.


  1. Yeah there is definitely no way a jumbo jet that just took off with a full tank of jet fuel could possibly collapse a building. Did she even think before she said these things?

  2. No, like all Hollyweird drones, she regurgitates whatever is the cool thing to say in L.A., and right now with that crowd, the cool thing is to believe in the 9/11 conspiracy. As for the moon walk....who the hell knows?

  3. Oh well for the moonwalk Ed, they say its a conspiracy because it was supposedly filmed in Hollywood, and they live there, so they are the authority on that. Why do people think that America is one big conspiracy? What she said and what other "big" names have said, the biggest one being Rosie O'Donnell, could almost be considered treason. They are speaking out against our country. And I know they have a freedom of speech, but they are seriously abusing that freedom with remarks like these.
