Sunday, March 30, 2008


It's been a while, but I thought it was about time we had another story regarding people stupidly believing that wild animals see them as friends and not as a meal.....and then are proved comically wrong...

WELLINGTON, Fla. - The owner of a wildlife sanctuary was attacked by two cheetahs and hospitalized with about 40 puncture wounds to her extremities and back, authorities said.

Judy Berens was airlifted Saturday to Delray Medical Center, but it appears her injuries are not life-threatening, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said.

She was conducting an exhibition with two male cheetahs in an enclosure on Saturday when one became distracted by a ball being bounced outside, the sheriff's office said. The cheetah moved toward the ball quickly and knocked her to the ground.

The cheetah then pounced on her and began biting and clawing her, said Gabriella Ferraro, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission spokeswoman. At some point the other cheetah attacked her as well, Ferraro said.

I realize you're probably thinking that I'm a callous jerk for mocking somebody who's dedicated to preserving wildlife and caring for animals. Well, you'd be right. But you also have to ask yourself, who in their right mind handles top predatory carnivors believing that the animals are doing anything but biding their time until they can eat you for lunch? Top predators exist for only one reason, to kill and eat. It's what they do. People never learn, and as long as they, through their own stupidity, keep getting attacked by wild animals, I'll keep making fun of them for it.

Does this cheetah look docile and friendly to you?


  1. He does behind the glass wall that I view him from. without it he looks menacing and hungry.

  2. Here kitty kitty kitty
