Sunday, March 30, 2008

Islamic Rage Boy says, "If you watch movie, I kill you!"

Liveleak pulled the Fitna video because of death threats to their personnel. Let me guess, from enraged Muslims? I respect their decision but, we here at TRR will not be intimidated into self-censorship. Alert reader freedom2learn found the 15 minute movie here. Be sure to watch it and then forward this link to all your friends.
This is the world's most famous, and hilarious, jihadist...Islamic Rage Boy. He's a professional protestor who shows up enraged at Muslim protest marches, always in defense of some imagined insult to Islam. Evidently by the look on his face, he heard TheRightRant was linking to Fitna.

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie that one is.

    I have an OT question.....
    What does the price of gas have to do with the presidency? Will prices be lower if a democrat is elected in November?
