Monday, March 24, 2008

Hippie stupidity

I'm all for home-schooling, self-determination, parents-rights, personal responsibility, etc....but this is taking it too far....

SAN DIEGO — In a highly unusual outbreak of measles here last month, 12 children fell ill; nine of them had not been inoculated against the virus because their parents objected, and the other three were too young to receive vaccines.

The parents who objected to their children being inoculated are among a small but growing number of vaccine skeptics in California and other states who take advantage of exemptions to laws requiring vaccinations for school-age children.

I'm sorry, the miniscule risk your child faces from being innoculated is by far outweighed by the risk he will impose on other children if he contracts some horrible infection, one that could have easily been prevented. Despite most public schools being dreadfully poor educational institutions but wonderfull liberal indoctrination centers, if you take advantage of free education, you have only one responsibility as a parent.....get your kid vaccinated so he won't make other kids sick. How does your right to stupidly endanger your child make it OK to stupidly endanger somebody elses child? If you have religious objections to innoculations, then send your dumb kid to a religious school where he can infect only other dumb kids.

If you're one of those earthy-crunchy Birkenstocks and granola types who lives an "all natural" lifestyle, free of processed food, artificial materials, modern conveniences, and soap, then I'm embarrassed for your child, but you can't impose your hippie wrecklessness onto others.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree Ed, if you dont want to get your kid vaccinated, then don't, but don't endanger my kid in the process. Why public schools don't require vaccinations is beyond me. Heck, why people would endanger their kids by not giving them vaccinations is beyond me. Its very close to neglect if you ask me.
