Monday, March 24, 2008

Great Britain, stampeding toward lunacy

As if Britain PM Gordon Brown wants his country to resemble a bizarre, barbaric horror movie, his insistence on the passage of The Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill may just do the trick...[emphasis mine]

The legislation will permit lesbian couples to be registered as legal parents for the first time, allow the creation of human-animal hybrid embryos for scientific research and remove the requirement on IVF clinics to consider a child's need for a father.

It will also give the green light to the creation of "saviour siblings" - children genetically selected to be a donor for a sick brother or sister.

I don't care about the lesbian thing or the IVF issue one way or the other but, human/animal hybrids and savior siblings? I realize that we're talking about hybrid zygotes only, not term progeny, but this research will lead some guy somewhere to attempt to bring a hybrid to term, just out of gruesome, morbid curiosity. Right now all they're doing is replacing the DNA from one species into the empty egg of another species, which is technically not a hybrid. But this opens the door for guys to mix DNA from different species such as crossing a human with a chimpanzee for instance just to see what happens. As Lee over at RightThinking said, if it can be done, it will be done. What happens when you wind up with some grotesqeu lab freak writhing in agony? It's part human, maybe self-aware, intelligent. What do you do? Kill it? Treat is like a child with a horrible disease? Force it to toil in agony and misery for years while you study it and it waits, begging to die? Sounds like a horrible science fiction scenario doesn't it? But so does mixing Britney Spears with motherhood, and this Bill opens the door for it.

And I don't even want to get started on savior siblings. Anybody who creates one human to harvest body parts for another is reprehensible and belongs in hell. I don't care if it's only bone marrow or liver cells. It's a human being with rights. Humans have to consent to being a parts farm.

Here's a human/animal hybrid that may have already been created...

Hat tip to Dailymail.

1 comment:

  1. the creation of "saviour siblings" - children genetically selected to be a donor for a sick brother or sister.

    if you saw the movie the island, you will know why this is a bad idea.
