Friday, February 22, 2008

Killing children Americans won't kill

I'm sure you heard about the driver who hit a bus filled with children in Minnesota the other day. Well, it turns out she was an illegal alien...

Authorities have confirmed that the the driver of the van that struck the school bus that killed 4 students on Tuesday is an illegal alien.
Officials at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement are checking to see where she came from and how long she’s been in Minnesota. FOX 9 has also learned that the name she gave to police, Alainiss Morales, is an alias.

Minneapolis is a sactuary city where police aren't allowed to inquire about immigration status, enforce immigration laws, or even wear vests that say "Police" on them for fear it might scare or otherwise intimidate the poor illegals.

As Jerry Rivers(Geraldo Rivera's real name) would say, "It's not an immigration problem, it's a driving problem." What an embicile! Any first year law student could tell you the assignment of guilt can be measured by this question: but for this persons actions, would the tragedy have otherwise happened? Clearly, the answer is no. If Minneapolis had not been a sanctuary city, it's likely that this person would not have been driving around in the first place.

Pro-amnesty loons like to point to cheap yard services and affordable berries and lettuce but this is the unmentioned cost of unchecked illegal immigration....dead loved ones.

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.

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