Thursday, February 21, 2008

Eyes wide shut

Having failed, and I mean miserably, to convince thinking Americans to join the modern environmental collective, zealots are utilizing hysterically farcical scare tactics to goad citizens into believing that anthropogenic global warming is something other than an insidious hoax...

As climate change warms the nation, giant Burmese pythons could colonize one-third of the USA, from San Francisco across the Southwest, Texas and the South and up north along the Virginia coast, according to U.S. Geological Survey maps released Wednesday.

Did you get that? ...could colonize... And if frogs had wings, they could jump without bumping their asses. And if democrats had any brains, they could vote republican. And if your Uncle Bob had boobs, he could go by Aunt Betty.

People, you really have to scrutinize every single news story you read or hear for bias. Far too many Americans naively take news presentations at face value and believe what they read without filtering it through their B.S. detector. This is a perfect example of a news orgainzation running a scare peice to force acceptance of liberal dogma....don't be a lemming!

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