Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bush's global neighborhood

You're not going to believe this. The Bush administration wants to appropriate $1.4 billion of your tax dollars to stimulate the economy of, and strengthen southern border security for......wait for it........wait for it........MEXICO!!! It's called the Merida Initiative, and it plainly illustrates why Bush's approval numbers hover near single digits. Immigrants here, both legal and illegal, remit in the neighborhood of $20 billion USD anually to Mexico as it is. If that doesn't stimulate the Mexican economy, what would $1.4 billion do?

I know what you're thinking. "But Ed" you whine, "we either pay to help Mexico get on it's feet by improving it's economy and closing it's border with Central America, or we pay for it in the costs of illegal immigration to the US. It's one or the other."

Wrong you are! Bush should spend every cent on our border fence with Mexico and when our national sovereignty is intact, we'll worry about our neighbors' problems. Calderon actively encourages and enables his citizens to invade the US and to send US currency back. Raiding the US taxpayer coffers is Mexico's second largest industry after petroleum. With a smile, Bush gladly imports Mexico's poverty and dependence and they export our wealth. Unless you were learning to put condoms on cucumbers in government schools when you should have been in Civic Economics class, you'd know intuitively that importing poverty and exporting wealth is an unsustainable system.

Man, we cannot be rid of George Bush fast enough for me. My fear is that J.Mac won't be much of an improvement.

Hat tip to Michelle Malkin.

1 comment:

  1. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to listen to Ron Paul.
    I understand the concept of getting to the root of the problem (with drug trafficking), but as you said closing the borders would be the better alternative.
