Tuesday, February 12, 2008

As deep as a bird-bath

What did I tell you people months ago? Barak Obama's support amounts to little more than a cult of personality and the screaming thigh sweats...

College Park, Maryland - You can see it in their flushed-face smiles and hear it in their screams. They say the phenomenon is difficult to describe, but once they experience it they tell their friends, sisters, mothers and daughters, and they come back for more if they can.

"He's very charismatic. It was a 'you-had-to-be-there' kind of experience," said Lolita Breckenridge, 37, after hearing Democratic White House hopeful Barack Obama address a packed rally at the University of Maryland on Monday.

"Not too much of the speech was new to me," she admitted. "But hearing him live..." she trailed off, shaking her head and grinning.

He did not flinch when women screamed as he was in mid-sentence, and even broke off once to answer a female's cry of "I love you Obama!" with a reassuring: "I love you back."

I apologize to those of you who just vomited on your keyboard. I should have warned you to grab a trash can, a co-workers lunch-box, or something.

I have two fears going into the general phase of the election: the mainstream media will never ask Obama a difficult question, such as name one accomplishment of yours besides getting yourself elected to congress 2 short years ago. They will have fallen under his charismatic spell like a bunch of Katie Curic's slobbering all over the Clintons. Giddy school girl Chris Matthews even described his campaign as "New Testament stuff"---as if he's Jesus Christ or something.

The second fear is that these same mindless women who felt swept off their feet by Bill Clinton(or wish they'd been felt by Bill Clinton), will feel the same for Obama, and deliver the White House to him regardless of the fact that he's the most unqualified, and therefor dangerous, person to have ever run for the office of President. I used the term mindless because these voters go purely on feelings and never THINK about what's best for them, their families and businesses, and for the country.

Seriously..."...flushed faces", "...screams of 'I love you Obama'...", "...the phenomenon is difficult to describe". These silly women are aroused by Obama. It's the Bill Clinton phenomenon all over again, only not as bawdy.

1 comment:

  1. Is he running for United States President or High School President?
