Monday, November 26, 2007

Save the whales....take a leak in the ocean

Just when you thought the global-warming fanatics couldn't get any stupider, they manage to plumb the depths of idiocy a little deeper...

Proposals to dump large quantities of nitrogen-rich chemical in the Pacific as a quick fix for climate change have emerged at a UN treaty meeting in London.

An Australian company is planning to dump 500 tons of urea into the sea between Philippines and Borneo in order to stimulate algal blooms.

Governments meeting to discuss whether the oceans should be used for experiments aimed at "fixing" carbon from the atmosphere heard that an Australian company is planning to dump 500 tons of industrially-produced urea - a substance that naturally occurs in urine - into the sea between Philippines and Borneo.

The idea is to pump the urea into barren areas of the ocean on the edge of the continental shelf to stimulate the growth of plant plankton.

Phytoplankton absorb carbon dioxide from sea water. Fish eat them and when they die some fall to the bottom, potentially removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

You know how when you're in the ocean swimming and that patch of warmer ocean water floats by? Turns out it's not just the sunshine differentially warming the water. It's a smug, annoying environmentalist standing next to you saving the whales by peeing on your leg. (Yuck!)

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