Monday, November 26, 2007

The Religion of Peace on display

All right all you Islam defenders, read this ridiculous story and then tell me Islam isn't a radical religion. Remember this is the Sudan, not Iran, or Saudi Arabia...

A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam's Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad.

Colleagues of Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, said she made an "innocent mistake" by letting the six and seven-year-olds choose the name.

Ms Gibbons was arrested after several parents made complaints.

The BBC's correspondent Amber Henshaw said Ms Gibbons' punishment could be up to six months in jail, 40 lashes or a fine.

Seriously, how many women have to get stoned, gang-raped, beaten to within an inch of their lives, how many homosexuals have to be hung by the neck, how many violent riots, how much destruction, misery, and chaos in the name of defending Islam does there have to be before you admit that Islam is a radical religion that is incompatible with what educated, reasonable people recognize as fundamental human rights?

And I don't want to hear, "But Ed, these instances are isolated, not the norm. Islam is peaceful when practiced as it was intended"

Wrong you are! Where exactly is Islam practiced peacefully? Only one place...the U.S. But that's only because stoning, rape, and hanging are crimes regardless of their religious mandate. You wait, at some point an Islamic sect will petition for and be awarded, in the U.S., an Islamic sanctuary in which they can practice Sharia law regardless of it's lawlessness and cruelty.

No, these actions are not isolated individuals acting on their own. Each instance we hear about is the result of nation state embracing parts of the radical form of Islam as law, then acting accordingly. Whether it's stonings in Pakistan, honor-killings in India, rapes and hangings in Iran, lashing in Saudi Arabia, or incarceration and whipping in the Sudan, these are States enforcing radical Islam as law.

Religion of Peace.....that phrase rings a tad hollow to the girl in Saudi Arabia who received at the hands of the State, 200 lashes last week for having gotten raped.


  1. I will agree with you Ed on the fact that 99% of modern practicing Muslims not in the U.S. are indeed violent and extremely radical. However, the Islamic religion is intended to be practiced peacefully, and is supposed to be a peaceful religion. If the so-called Muslims today lived centuries ago, they would not be accepted as real Muslims, and would probably have to bear the punishment equivalent to excommunication.

  2. the Islamic religion is intended to be practiced peacefully, and is supposed to be a peaceful religion.

    That's like saying rap music is intended to be clean and uplifting, and is supposed to be an encouraging, uplifting form of music.

    Fantasizing about an idealistic dream of something doesn't make it that way.
    Rap music and the practice of Islam are what they are. Rap is an obscene, raunchy advocate of all types of crime, just as Islam as currently practiced is a violent, intolerant, anti-social cult.

    And I would argue with your theory of Islam being peaceful in it's inception. The koran is filled with commands to slay infidels and such. And Mohammed married the 3rd of his 11 wives when she was 6 and consumated the marriage when she was 9. In what culture is pedophilia peaceful?

    The only reason American Muslims practice Islam peacefully is because the cops will arrest them for doing it the way it was intended.
