Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Religion of Peace strikes again.....literally

UPDATE: Yesterday I told you about the British first-grade teacher in the Sudan who was arrested for allowing her children to name a stuffed teddy bear Mohammed. She was sentenced to 80 lashes for defaming the name of the great and benevolent prophet. It is not uncommon for people to suffer permanent, even life-threatening, damage from such punishment. And for what, because her Muslim first-graders named a teddy-bear the most common name in Islam....Mohammed.


  1. Muhammad is the most common name in the world actually. Its pretty ridiculous that she should endure this sort of punishment for her supposed crime. Here in America people get off easy for much much worse crimes. Take O.J. for example.

  2. Why doesn't the peace loving, human rights preaching UN meddle in these instances? I heard something about the UN considering tasers "torture", but 80 lashes for allowing a child to name a teddy bear is okay?

  3. So freedom, you're starting to get wise to the UN template for right and wrong....any human-rights violation perpetrated by countries slavish to the UN is A-OK, while any imaginary breech of rights etiquette by the US is considered torture.

    This is why we need to move the UN to Brussels and minimize our funding of it.

  4. Its probably more of a reason to leave the U.N. altogether. There was a reason we didn't join the league of nations many years ago. We are too powerful of a nation, and other nations don't want us to have that much power.

  5. Does the US want the UN having (increasing) power that we have no control over at all?

    When did the US get involved with
    the UN?

    Was this woman's story highly publicized?

  6. I saw somethng about this woman on Fox - fifteen days in jail instead of the lashings. I have a feeling most of the mainstream media didn't report much on it. They only seem to cover the evil wrong-doings of Americans.

  7. Why would the mainstream media want to post this story? Most of them probably think that what she did was truly worth the punishment she was supposed to receive. And if they did post this story, they would have also given a poll of how 90% of Americans would agree with the punishment. That poll would most likely come from an Islamic ghetto in downtown New York or where the Muslims in this country live.

  8. LOL!!! Oh my - thanks for the laugh!

  9. It's slanted coverage like that of which you must be careful. CNN and other outlets pretend to be balanced but they are not. At least FOX is unashamedly right leaning. You know what you're getting. Many people think CNN and the NYT are the final word on news, but they are shills for liberalism, multiculturalism, and internationalism...all of which are bad for America.

  10. My verizon homepage had a story about the Sudanese demanding her execution. This is a piece of the article.....

    "The case put Sudan's government in an embarrassing position - facing the anger of Britain on one side and potential trouble from powerful Islamic hard-liners on the other. Many saw the 15-day sentence as an attempt to appease both sides."

    Appease the fanatics. Good solution, idiots!
    Fox News is the only reason I have cable TV in my house. Although, I do enjoy hearing both sides. By the way, what happened to the other people who were posting here? I loved the heated debates!

  11. Freedom, I think commenters on blogs are similar to callers into talk radio. Many people are reading but few weigh in themselves. I don't know where our commenters went, but we're clearly getting lots of readers all over the world...check out the hit map.

    In the year and a half of doing this, I've found that commenters come and go in spurts. If the same ones don't jump in the fray, some others will.
