Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Close to home

I didn't plan for this week to be an anti-Islam rant but those crazy radicals leave me no choice....their anti-social antics are dominating the news cycle. Here's more...

VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France - Rampaging youths rioted for a second night in Paris' suburbs, firing at officers and ramming burning cars into buildings. At least 77 officers were injured, a senior police union official said Tuesday.

The overnight violence was more intense than during three weeks of rioting in 2005, said the official, Patrice Ribeiro. He said that "genuine urban guerillas with conventional weapons and hunting weapons" were among the rioters.

The riots were triggered by the deaths of two teens killed in a crash with a police patrol car on Sunday in Villiers-le-Bel, a blue-collar town in Paris' northern suburbs.

Notice anything missing from the article? Conspicuously absent is the common nationality of the "youths". Care to take a wild shot in the dark? That's right, they're the shiftless degenerate kids of Muslim immigrants. They dropped out of school, refuse to get jobs, and though they enjoy the generous socialist benefits of French citizenship, they remain hostile to conformity and authority.

This is what happens when you get a critical mass of unassimilated, disaffected, people of a foreign nationality who don't identify with the nationality of the host country. They become hostile and cause trouble. Don't be surprised when this sort of thing starts to happen in the southwest U.S. as huge numbers of unassimilated Mexicans overrun the cities there.


  1. Be careful Ed, you have a hit from the middle east now.

  2. That's OK, it's my good friends in Israel.
