Friday, September 07, 2007

Are you like totally hot?

Stop the presses: Paris says she's planning on having a baby next year. The name of the reality show featuring the process will tentatively be called, "Who Wants to Knock-Up Paris?". The airhead squeaked...

"I just started working out and it feels great. It gives me so much energy," she said. "I want kids next year, so I've got to get my body ready."

If you think you want to be the actor/, uh, I mean donor, there's an online application you can fill out. According to Paris you have to be funny, smart, comfortable being intimate on camera, a Libra or Virgo, and like totally hot. If you think you're the one for her, then head on over to YesParis_I' and enter your name, cell number, and a 300-dpi digital photo of yourself shirtless in the space provided. If you get selected be sure to shamelessly plug TheRightRant on the show, because you heard it here first.


  1. I am an overweight, toothless, bearded, baldheaded bum. Do I qualify? By the way my viagra prescription has 2 years left. 1 a day keeps all complaining away.

  2. See, I told you Bush's prescription drug benefit program was too sweeping. Bums get taxpayer funded medications.

  3. I paid almost $6 for my 2 year scrip when I visited Tj. Got no diseases either.

  4. Didn't she already have show like this one called "One Night in Paris"?

  5. Just what the world needs...another airheaded twit reproducing...great!
