Friday, August 17, 2007

Victimhood is a way of life for some people

As predicted by almost everybody, one of the Rutgers basketball players, pretending that she has hurt feelings, has lawyered up and is suing Don Imus for probably millions in "damages"...

Don Imus is facing his first lawsuit from a player on the Rutgers Women's Basketball team for derogatory comments that cost him his job as a radio host in April, ABC News has learned.

Kia Vaughn, star center for the Rutgers Women's Basketball team, has filed a lawsuit against Imus for libel, slander and defamation -- the first civil suit to be filed against the former radio host. Vaughn is asking for monetary damages of an unspecified amount.

The suit names Imus individually, but it is also waged against MSNBC, NBC Universal, CBS Radio, CBS Corp., Viacom Inc., Westwood One Radio and Imus producer Bernard McGuirk.

What kind of screwed up legal system do we have in this country that allows, no encourages, people to demand other peoples' cash because they got their feelings hurt? I think she's a stupid, entitlement-minded, professional victim who wants some of what she didn't earn. Does that give her access to the money that I've earned because my statement may have hurt her feelings? Hurt feelings do not grant you rights to money you didn't earn. Of course her sleaze-bag lawyer is naming every deep-pocket company even remotely associated with Imus knowing that they will settle for millions. This a dangerous precedent in terms of it's chilling effect on free speech.

Here's Imus and the "victim" of his comments.


  1. Kia Vaughn is an oppotunistic money grubbing despicable liar, in my opinion. She had the opportunity, with the rest of her teammates to admonish and/or reject Don Imus' apology. The team accepted this and said it was time to move on. Alas, Miss Vaughn has brought additional emotional issues to her teammates now, as they ae forced to relive this awful experience again. I know they will enjoy testifying as to the trials and tribulations of this stardom. I for one hope this lawsuit is thrown out or that Ms. Vaughn is dumped on her rear end ( I hope that doesn't hurt her feelings) and given a whopping $0. This continues to reinforce my negative opinion of womens basketball. While Imus should never have stated his now infamous comments, he seems to be being proved somewhat on target.

  2. Maybe Team Imus will reject any settlement demand and opt for a full trial...or at least a judge. Force this career victim to embarrass herself and teammates by attempting to convince the court how Imus's personal apology wans't enough.

    This might be a dumber case than the McDonald's coffee caper.

  3. Sticks and stones little girl, sticks and stones.

  4. HO...HO...HO.. Give me my money...Or Else!!

  5. HO HO HO its off to work we go....

  6. off to work? isn't that the courtroom for a few poor people who got offended?
