Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Breck Girl...apparently low on campaign cash

The Breck Girl got her panties all in a bunch the other day. Here's the gist of it...

ABC News' Rick Klein Reports: Former Sen. John Edwards on Friday fired the latest round in his ongoing verbal feud with Ann Coulter, calling her a "she-devil" at a public event before quickly adding that he shouldn't engage in name-calling.

Edwards, D-N.C., was railing against the right-wing media -- including Fox News and Rush Limbaugh -- when he reminded a crowd in Burlington, Iowa, that his wife stood up to Coulter in a public spat earlier this summer.

"We know these people. We know their game plan. They're going to attack us personally," Edwards said. "They attacked Elizabeth personally, because she stood up to that she-devil Ann Coulter. … I should not have name-called. But the truth is -- forget the names -- people like Ann Coulter, they engage in hateful language."

I guess the Edward's campaign needs some more cash. Dumb liberals seem to reflexively give money to the delicate flower Edwards whenever he cries about being bullied by meany right wingers.

1 comment:

  1. i thoroughly enjoy the fact that edwards is upset that he got called names, then says ann coulter is a she-devil, then apologizes for calling her a name, then says its not about the names, its about the hateful language, which is name calling. wow he must have missed that lecture in school on the transitive property. go fix your hair Edwards.
