Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tyranny of the minority

I know some of you people think I'm being a bit hysterical all the time when I rant about how Europe is a bellwether for America when it comes to political correctness and the unfriendly encroachment of radical Islam into our respective societies and cultures. Well here is another example of the U.K.'s relentless march toward Islamic colonization...

DOCTORS and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks - in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.
Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.

The lunch trolley is also to be wheeled out of bounds as the 30-day fast begins next month.

Seriously, how stupid can an entire, once-great country be? Every time the crazy Muslim terrorists kill a few of them, the Brits offer to capitulate on any terms the radical Islamists demand.

Look if these delicate, hot-house flower Muslims can't stand the sight of food, emigrate to Ethiopia, or The Sudan, or Sierra Leone. There's not any food there. Why should productive Brits go hungry because there might be a Muslim in the next cubicle who is fasting as part of some silly holiday ritual? If the Muslims want to observe Ramadan, then go home, but other ambitious, productive employees who want to eat while they work should be allowed to do so whenever they want.

Muslims are also offended by alcohol consumption, infidel women's skin, pigs, bibles, educated or employed women, and clean nightshirts apparently. When will the U.K. ban those things as well to show how sensitive they are to their Muslim masters? You think these preposterous things can't happen here in the U.S.? Let the liberals take control of the government and see how fast American women are urged to wear the hijab, or pork is removed from school cafeterias, or government workers are told not to eat at work during Ramadan. It's coming people! In a few years, it's coming!

1 comment:

  1. Friends and fellow infidels, the last statement here is on target. My latest intel from the front lines is that Muslims are starting to work at the grass roots level of American politics. Take a spot here and there, no big deal, except they all start to add up. Christmas holidays are gone now in favor of Winter Holidays, you know why, because some Islamic backed liberals are trying to take God out of everything. Wake up and stop looking through rose colored glasses. this world is being deteriorated around our varied noses. We hate the stink, but refuse to do anything about it.

    Stay wary of the Muslim infusion. It is targeted and exacting. They will stop at nothing to wrestle any country away from its inhabitants. Convert or die. Watch and learn as the Muslim militia starts to infiltrate the British government one office at a time. A memeber of the House of Commons here, a local politician there, guess what, the control is starting to shift. First its Britian, next well who knows. Load your weapons and prepare for a long fight. I will be back in touch. Out
