Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another nail in the coffin

The villiage idiot Al Gore has been terrifying America's dumber school children with global warming hysteria for years now using arguments linked to the data that show the years from 1998-2004 were the warmest on record. Well it turns out those data were wrong. A crazy canuck figured out the simple math errors and made NASA look pretty stupid, and/or canniving...

In the United States, the calendar year 1998 ranked as the hottest of them all – until someone checked the math.

After a Toronto skeptic tipped NASA this month to one flaw in its climate calculations, the U.S. agency ordered a full data review.

Days later, it put out a revised list of all-time hottest years. The Dust Bowl year of 1934 now ranks as hottest ever in the U.S. – not 1998.

More significantly, the agency reduced the mean U.S. "temperature anomalies" for the years 2000 to 2006 by 0.15 degrees Celsius.

Remember this picture that the environmental religion zealots used to "prove" that man's activities were destroying animal habitats world-wide? Just as the global warming hysteria has turned out to be a hoax, this picture turns out to have been a hoax as well. It was taken during the summer when ice floe's melt every year. In addition, the scientific name for polar bears is ursus maritimus which means sea bear. These bears aren't stranded and in danger. Polar bears use ice floe's as transportation and they regularly swim as far as 10 miles from floe to floe.

As each piece of "evidence" supporting global warming is shown to be phony, it exposes the shamelessness of huxters like Al Gore who advance the idea.


  1. Is this the real Sea World? Looks like somebody should be figuring out how to bill those bears for their free ride. Oh, I forgot, this makes them homelss, therefore we should be sending them aid. Hope they float to Houston.

  2. I'm sure Houston would prefer polar bears to Katrina refugees...as polar bears would do less damage.
