Thursday, August 02, 2007

Child's play

Tony Snow put a dumb reporter in his place in a briefing this morning...

Q: Tony, [paraphrased] how can the President claim to be a fiscal conservative by cutting a $22billion program from the budget when the Congressional Budget Office report yesterday said that the war in Iraq is likely to cost over $1 trillion?

MR. SNOW: 9/11

Tony Snow actually makes watching White House press briefings fun. He regularly mixes it up with arrogant liberal shills disguised as reporters like David Gregory. Most presidential press secretaries treat the media with kid gloves thinking it will get them to say nice things in their respective fish-wrappers. Not Tony. He realizes most reporters already know what they're going to write before they ask the question, it's just a matter of getting the briefer to say what they want. And Tony doesn't fall for it.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Tony Snow is so much more interesting than most press secretaries.
