Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bad Americans!

CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has praised Sean Penn for his critical stance against the war in Iraq, saying the two chatted by phone and soon plan to meet in person.

"Welcome to Venezuela, Mr. Penn. What drives him is consciousness, the search for new paths," Chavez said Wednesday in a televised speech. "He's one of the greatest opponents of the Iraq invasion."

Chavez read aloud from a recent open letter by Penn to President Bush in which the actor condemned the Iraq war and called for Bush to be impeached, saying the president along with Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are "villainously and criminally obscene people."

I swear!!! If it's not the worst president in American history, Jimmy "the Dihimmi" Carter sucking up to Yassir Arafat, it's Robert Redford and Michael Moore paling around with Fidel Castro. If it's not Madeliene Albright sucking up to Kim Jong Il, it's Sean Penn and Danny Glover licking Hugo Chavez' boots. What is the infatuation liberal democrats have with murdering thug dictators? Why do they always, always side with these psychopathic, blood-thirsty, tyrants against the United States?

1 comment:

  1. If they dont like how our government runs things, they have the money to live elsewhere... and if they want to impeach President Bush, go for it. It wont do any good though because there wont be a case against him.
