Monday, July 09, 2007

Price controls....a bad idea, even in Zimbabwe

Just a few short years ago, Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa. Farmers grew plenty of food to feed the population of Zimbabwe as well as enough to export to neighboring countries. The economy was vibrant, inflation was relatively low for Africa, violence was rare. Basically Zimbabwe was the crown jewel of Africa...the nation all others strived to become. That is until Robert Mugabe, the worlds formost murdering thug dictator took over. The first thing he did was to seize the productive farms from the white farmers under the guise of returning the African land to Africans. The only problem was that the blacks who took over knew nothing of farming. In short order, the farms dried up and Zimbabwe was plunged into economic chaos. Now, just like all socialists/communists/liberal democrats, they've instuted price controls and look what's happened...

A total of 1,328 Zimbabwean businessmen and women have been arrested and fined for breaking official price controls in the past two weeks, police say.

The government ordered that the prices of many goods be cut in half, in order to tackle the world's highest rate of inflation - more than 3,700%.

But businesses say the new prices are below cost, so some firms have closed.

Zimbabwe's neighbours are trying to work on a plan to revive the economy - once one of Africa's most advanced.

Officials have been visiting shops and businesses to ensure they are respecting the new prices.

And if you don't get anything else from this article, get this Econ-101 lesson...

But this has led to panic buying and goods running short, when the prices are reduced.

When Jimmy Carter tried price controls in the seventies, he created instant shortages. It's the main reason(there are many others) his presidency is remembered as one of the worst in history. Now America's liberals like Carter, and most of Hollyweird, praise Hugo Chavez in Venezuela for doing the exact same thing there. He's nationalized all the privately held industry. You watch, in addition to the terrible overall future Chavez has insured for his country, Venezuela will soon decend into economic and social anarchy. Simply because the rules of capitalism weren't allowed to operate. EVERY time a government meddles with a free economy, it results in very bad things for the people.

Democrat moonbats in this country would step in to control and maipulate the American economy at every opportunity if they aren't prevented from it by responsible conservative voters. If you can't think of any other reason to NOT vote for a democrat, then look at Cuba, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. There's a reason liberal democrats in America adore Castro, Mugabe, and's because they are ruining(or have ruined) their respective countries the same way liberal democrats in America would like to ruin ours.

Behold the face of evil. If it weren't for the U.N., Hollywood, and Jimmy Carter, Robert Mugabe would have no friends at all.

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