Monday, July 09, 2007

A hoax?

Allright, I going to be the first that I know of to call shenanigans on Amy Polumbo. There is no black mailer. I think she staged the whole thing in order to get her name in the news. As my wife observed over coffee this morning, "All these pageant winners just want to get their name out there, any way they can". Who ever heard of Miss New Jersey before this"? She's right. Who ever heard of Tara Conner before she was busted underage drinking and making out with Miss Teen USA who was also underage drinking? Nobody will care in a couple of years about some stupid pictures on her MySpace page, but they will all know her name. She probably has a lamo boyfriend who's out there staging this whole thing, just so she can bravely get in front of the camera and stand up to the "black mailer".

I may be wrong but I'd put money on being right.

p.s. a cookie for anybody who can name the "shenanigans" reference.


  1. It's called find-out-what-the-people-want-and-give-it-to-them.

    Or supply and demand. Or capitalism.

    That you (and me!) find it silly - so what?

  2. Point taken.

    It's embarrassing that Americans can be so preoccupied with drivel like this, but are completely uninterested as a country, in the important things that are going on around the world which will have profound impacts on our lives and our childrens' lives.

  3. I am extremely disappointed that these photos contain no nudity, no underage drinking and no immitations of the Paris Hilton sex scenes and there is this issue. Stop this lunacy and lets move on to bigger and better things Miss Polumbo. What a stupid black mail scheme. Grow up and shut up!

  4. your "label" says it all: dumb celebrities.
