Monday, July 30, 2007

Another example of the Bush legacy ladies and gentlemen

I know that at-risk pregnant women tug at the heart strings of normal, feeling Americans. That being said, illegal aliens who count on that compassion so they can get into America to have their babies has got to be stopped if we are going to be serious about curbing illegal immigration from Mexico. Well, Mitt Romney made some noise the other day about just that. Here's the exerpt of his speech...

"I ... don't think it makes sense to have an immigration policy that says that if an illegal couple—a couple that comes across the border illegally—has a child here, that child becomes a U.S. citizen, that then the whole family gets to come in, if you will, through 'chain migration,'" he said.

The fourteenth amendment guarantees citizenship to anyone born in the United States, but that has become a powerful lure for illegals to sneak across the border in their ninth month of pregnancy just so they can have their baby here and receive free medical care. They know that the compassionate American government will not send them back and will even welcome the immediate family so as not to appear to be keeping families apart. After that, there are dozens of taxpayer funded programs of which they can take advantage.

"But Ed", you ignorantly argue, "illegal immigrants come here just to have a better life and they contribute their fair share to the tax box. Why shouldn't they take advantage of programs that are offered?"

It is a fact that the average illegal family consumes 3 times more in social program largesse than they contribute. If this trend continues, at some point there will be more demanded by the shiftless illegal immigrant class than is available and the whole system collapses. The automatic citizenship clause of the Constitution should be repealed. I don't have a problem with insuring that a visitor to this country, illegal or not, has a safe delivery. The baby should assume the citizenship of the parents' home country and should be sent back there at the earliest convenience. That George Bush has failed utterly and miserably to do anything about this problem makes him derelict in his duty as president in my book. Which ever republican goes on the record promising to do something, anything to stem the illegal invasion, he'll get my vote for president.

It's OK to feel sorry for them, but to shower them with fabulous cash and prizes, at tax-payer expense, because they managed to get here in time to have their baby in the Santa Fe Wal Mart parking lot is wrong-headed to say the least.

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